Social Distancing Days 22 & 23

Social Distancing Days 22 & 23 were both beautiful sunny days. Pretty much the only nice days we’re getting for a while. It was great to open windows and get fresh air in the house.

Yesterday’s lunch break was a much needed drive to nowhere in my convertible. It was fun to drive with the top down even if it was still a little chilly. I can’t wait for more nice days to just go for a drive.
We started out on our walk last night, but felt rain drops right away. We made it short and got home just in time.
It’s getting harder to figure out what to write because our days are almost always the same. Work from home, maybe a walk before dinner, dinner, watch a show, go to bed, repeat. As soon as I think how monotonous it can get, I go right to reminding myself we’re lucky we have each other, can be home, still working, and healthy. It doesn’t mean that this whole situation isn’t stressful, it is, but we are okay and taking it one day at a time.
The news is still grim, but there are some signs that flattening the curve is working. So, continue to stay home, practice social distancing, wear your masks when you have to be out in public, and wash your hands!
On Social Distancing Days 22 & 23 I’m grateful for my convertible. Taking it out for a drive and just forgetting everything for a few minutes is priceless.
Take care of each other.