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Social Distancing Day 11

Social Distancing Day 11

So, here we are, social distancing day 11. I can’t help but wonder how many days we will need to do this. The sameness of each day is boring and we’ve remarked that some days feel like we’re in the movie Groundhog Day. Except we…

Social Distancing Day 10

Social Distancing Day 10

Social Distancing Day 10 wasn’t the greatest day. I’m trying not to be stressed or show I’m stressed to the world. But, clearly, I’m stressed. Last night I had a dream where I was bitten by a stray cat and got rabies. So that was…

Social Distancing Day 9

Social Distancing Day 9

Social Distancing Day 9. Finally, I’m feeling better. It’s only been 2 weeks, but who’s counting. My tiny office setup in the corner of the family room has its perks. I did end up lighting the fireplace today. At least I can be cozy while I’m working. 
Photo contains desk next to fireplace how we social distance day 9
The weather is still too cold to really enjoy going out. At least for me. Although, I remember a time when it didn’t matter how cold it was because every day after school I spent hours skiing. We had a ski area near our house and in the winter I spent all my spare time there. Now, I’m so not a fan of the cold and can’t wait for warmer weather. We still be may be social distancing, but I can take my convertible for a drive.
The highlight of today was a video chat with my team. It was so absolutely wonderful to see and hear them. Although we chat through messenger and Google Hangouts, it’s not the same. It was definitely a bright spot in my day.
Other than that, it’s more of the usual, working from home, laundry, dinner, and taking care of everything else. It does seem to feel like the movie Groundhog Day the longer this goes on.
More and more cases are reported every day. There is some pushing from the president and his friends, to get the country back to work, never mind the virus, never mind the death toll, it’s old people anyway, the economy seems to be more important than people’s lives. I truly hope it doesn’t come to that. I don’t love this social distancing, but I feel like it’s saving lives by slowing the spread. 
Tomorrow, I have to go in to work to grab a few things then head back home. It’s going to be weird to be there with hardly any staff. I haven’t been back in over two weeks because I was on vacation then sick, then working remotely. 
That’s it for today. Nothing exciting or funny to add. Just tired.
Take care of each other. 
Social Distancing Day 8

Social Distancing Day 8

Made it through Social Distancing Day 8. I gotta say it was a long day. I’m still tired from being sick and didn’t get much accomplished. The cold and snow didn’t help at all. Some nice weather would really help enhance everyone’s mood. I guess…

5 Ways to Celebrate National Puppy Day While Social Distancing

5 Ways to Celebrate National Puppy Day While Social Distancing

Looking for something to do today? How about 5 ways to celebrate National Puppy Day while social distancing. 1. Watch Movies with a Dog Theme Who doesn’t love dog themed movies? If you have Disney+ you can have a lot of dog themed movies to…